Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Hi everyone! My name is Kayla Griffith. I am 18 years old and graduated from Rocklin High School. This is my second semester at Sierra College and so far so good! I used to think I wanted to be a marine biologist but recently I have changed my mind. So for now, I am taking general ed classes and hopefully I will figure out what I want to major in soon! I plan on transfering to either San Diego State or somewhere in LA. My hobbies include dancing( jazz, tap, ballet, hiphop, lyrical, and modern), snowboarding, wakeboarding, and I also love to sing but I'm not very good.
I feel that I am a pretty good writer. I am thankful to have had hard yet helpful english teachers throughout high school. There is always room for improvement though! I usually don't like writting unless it's on a topic that interests me. I find it hard to start an essay but once I get an idea then I'm good to go. My weakness is the fact that I am such a procrastinator! However, my strength is writing well under pressure and time restraints. So it usually works out. However, it is a bad habit and very stressful at times.

I look forward to getting to know all of you and hope you enjoy my blogs :)

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